Saturday, 7 February 2009

Got my camera back

I went to London on Thursday night to pick up my camera. It's amazing to be let out of the house so soon after my last debacle.

So here are my photos of the Forbidden Planet signing

The authors, Tom Lloyd, Jon Courtney Grimwood, Jaine Fenn, Joe Abercrombie, Suzanne McLeod, Alex Bell, Mark Chadbourn and David Deveraux

The authors with bunny ears. Look how much happier they seem!

Fanboy and the great Robert Rankin, with bunny ears as requested.

Fanboy and the last known picture of Joe Abercrombie before he was eaten!

Once again a big thank you for everbody who made an effort to find out who owned the camera.

Now has anyone seen my hat I think I left it in the pub on Thursday.


Elena said...

mmm, applecrumble. or whatever his dessert name is.


not trying to say he's dishy (not trying to say he's not with that rebuttal, damn, a girl can't win when it's likely the devil in question will see this :) but that apple crumb cake sounds really good. haven't had brunch yet.

thanks for posting. i am, indeed, quite green at this evidence that your apples outshine my own (since we all know jealousy only pertains to plants).

Swainson said...

None of us win!! I look like a dorky fanboy. Hang on I am a dorky fanboy.

Well now I've eaten my apples and will have to see what buscuits and cheese I can come up with.

Could be some personally signed Richard Morgan books.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat off topic, but relevant as this post contains pictures of yourself...are you dressed as Vin Diesel dressed as Michael Clarke Duncan in your profile pic?

I mean no offnese or disrespect, I'm just confused. :)

Swainson said...

If you'd said are you dressed as Beavis dressed as Butthead I may have been offended. Then again probably not, I figure if you post photos of youself in the web then getting your panties in a wad about what people think you look like is fairly stupid.

No that photo is me dressed up as me coming home from work. That day I had pulled down a lathe and plaster ceiling in a 110 year old house. When I got home, that's my old front door behind me, no-one was in so I thought as I was covered in soot, plaster and whatever the fuck was up there I'd take a photo of myself to show the girls.

When I was looking through photos for my profile I just thought that one fits my own mental image of myself. There were a few others but that came out top for me.