Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Officially fucked off

Monday evening.

I'm sitting down with my first beer after a good days work; I saw two jobs for quotes and finished a couple of ongoing and started three small ones.

The phone goes and one of my customers tells me the communal front door has been kicked in, again. Now, I've repaired this four times already. So I put my beer down, don't worry it was only a sip, and go and fix the lock. By doing this I miss putting my daughter to bed.

So, I'm thinking this is a good customer, go the extra mile, etc...


Same sort of day, jobbing around, getting stuff done. This time it's before I get home. I have to go back to the same place to repair the same lock because the same fucking wanker, who has keys, has kicked the door in again. So, about 3 hours later I get home. Again I miss putting my daughter to bed.

Now I have to get on with some quotes, invoices and general admin that I should have been doing whilst repairing the door. 


Lots of noise outside and a big bang. I get up from my computer desk to have a look out the window. My car is across the pavement and has knocked a gatepost over into a taxi parked.

My car is an old Golf, it's not worth stealing and its crap to drive but these fuckwits want it anyway.

I now have three police cars round the scene and spend the next hour sorting this out.

Now I am Officially Fucked Off.


The most I can say is I haven't had to deal with the actions of people who don't give a flying fuck about the cost of what they do.

Hopefully the rest of the week will be ok; we had such a great weekend with family and friends camping and it seems like such a long time ago.

1 comment:

Natalie Hatch said...

Thanks Simon for dropping by my blog. Joe Abercrombie is great writer. I also like Barry Eisler, he's fast action and kills lots of people, plus he always send you an email back if you write to him.
Hope you get your car back up and running. In Oz we don't have that happen too much but we do have crazy asian drivers who make English ones look sane...